Training course on sustainable design and production organised 

This week, Palestine Polytechnic University (West Bank, Palestine) and Irbid National University (Jordan) marked a significant milestone in their collaboration. They participated in a specialized training program on sustainable design and production that the University Jaume I in Castellón, Spain, graciously hosted under the auspices of the Low Carbon Economy.

The training course unfolded as a series of engaging and educational activities. Participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in in-depth training focused on sustainable design principles, visit local enterprises to observe these principles in action and engage in productive discussions to identify avenues for future collaborative projects.

To disseminate the knowledge acquired and the experiences shared during this event, an interview was conducted on Radio La Vall d’Uixó. This interview provided a platform to delve into the specifics of our project, offering listeners insights into our objectives and the impact of our work.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Arces Collegio Universitario for its pivotal role in coordinating this endeavor and to the Low Carbon Economy Foundation for orchestrating the events. These collaborative efforts exemplify our shared commitment to fostering a more sustainable future.

As we move forward, we remain dedicated to continuing our work together, leveraging the insights and connections forged during this week to advance sustainability efforts on a global scale.

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